Sunday, October 29, 2006

Thanks to Muhammad Yunus

Mohammad Yunus being awarded this year's Peace Nobel Price held a particular significance for us. It was after hearing him speak at the University of California at Berkeley in April 2002 that we started to think about what would a few years later become the RiOS Institute. Yunus was inspiring, his personality, his stories, his conviction, his sincerity. The most important lesson we learned was that from small beginnings can grow big things. Similarly, starting by changing one's own world is more effective than setting out to changing the world. And this is what RiOS is all about, as well as the Silicon Valley Challenge Summit.


At October 30, 2007, Blogger Unknown said...

To see how inspiring Muhammad Yunus can be, check out the Social Edge video interview of David Bornstein, author of "How to Change the World: Social Entrepreneurs and the Power of New Ideas" and "The Price of a Dream: The Story of the Grameen Bank". In the video, David Bornstein talks about his meeting as a young journalist with Nobel Prize Winner Muhammad Yunus and how it inspired him and instilled him with confidence.


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